Monday, June 23, 2014

My opinion on Humans.

So on Instagram Im doing one of those "My opinion on ____" things and I was asked to tell my opinion on humans. I am posting this on my blog because instagram will not allow me to post paragraphs as a caption so I am lead to do it on here. Anyways, lets begin shall we.

     I think humans are terrible in so many ways. But dont get me wrong, Im not saying that humans are the worst thing in the world. Let me tell you what I think about when someone says humans. I think about "groups". What are groups? Groups are the people you see at school. There are different types of groups which are mainly narrowed down to 3 types of groups at my school. At my school there are groups such as the "Fandomers, the Up-To-Date Coolieos, the bronies and pegasisters, and theres the group that I wish I was in which I like to call the "outcasts." Definition of groups: The Fandomers are made of people such as Whovians, Otakus, Harry Potter fans, Supernaturalists, and people like that. I have to admit that I am a whovian, supernaturalist, and most importantly an otaku. BUT BEFORE I GO FAR INTO THE SUBJECT!!!! I'm trying to prove a point that everyone has their own group and without groups we would just be a hot mess.

Friday, February 28, 2014